On Thursday we went to the Little House on the Prairie Homestead. It was well worth the added driving. The kids got to ride miniature horses, drive a horse-drawn wagon, make a rope, corn-cob doll and old fashion toy. We got to see how they lived in the late 1800s. There was an old school, a sod-house, a shanty and the first "real" house (might have been a replica) that the Ingels lived in after arriving in South Dakota. FYI, they moved to the city in winter because the weather was so bad.

We also visited a pre-historic Indian site in Mitchell. It was a bit of a disappointment for me, because we arrived at 5:00 and there wasn't anyone but the gift-shop worker to tell us about the archaeological dig that they were doing. As you can see, I took very few pictures, but it was cool to see the dig. I just wish it could have been enhanced by a guide! (The kids favorite part was digging for bones/clay pots in the sand box. They each received an arrow-head after the dig.)

I just read about the homestead in family fun. I'm glad it was worth the drive.