Where did May go? (April and May went so fast.) Changing a saying a little: "The days are long but the months are fast". (original saying is "The days are long but the years are fast." true as well)
Today's masking adventure: THE CUBS (another 10 yards of elastic has arrived too!!!)

If you know the Cub's song it goes "Go Cubs Go, Go Cubs Go. Hey Chicago what do you say, the Cubs are going to win today."
I change it to "Go Cubs Go. Go Cubs Go....but not to Chicago".
The weekend that our front desk staff member went to Chicago this was in the paper:
AND the state was and still is locked down. What the Heck was she thinking. I am not mad that she exposed me to Covid 19....I am mad that she went to Chicago when it was very unsafe to do so. I mean if you get Covid at the grocery store, but you had a mask on, well that is unfortunate. If you go to a city with 58457 total cases (2051 reported in the 24 hour period before you go) then you are just ridiculous.
Joel and Carolyn convinced me (reluctantly) that they had a tradition of going to 5 Guys hamburger joint on the day that show choir lists come out. Meh....(I think the place is over priced for what you get.) Anyway, I relented and let them go (well Carolyn took the order and picked it up curbside for take out). Joel went and dropped of his concert choir uniform, The Color Purple, his track uniform and some sheet music at school. (He wore a mask, I checked. I would have gone with him if it was 100 % safe to be in a car with me today. I am sure he did not feel any need to be accompanied, but I had gone with Carolyn, so I felt bad.)
4:00 - Lists came out - Spectrum for this guy next year.
(as he predicted, all the boys from ER who made Concert Choir did move up to Spectrum....one concert choir boy who is in show choir didn't make Spectrum, but he is only going to be a sophomore and wasn't in ER last year.)
Here is Joel in the Truman Show - last year
(goodbye Truman)
So the big change next year is that our "head" director is leaving, which doesn't hurt my feelings. Clearly I have no love for him, since he didn't pick Carolyn for Spectrum last year. (also he just doesn't have good interpersonal skills)
There are 10 more kids in the program than last year, but of course some kids will drop. They changed our lowest group (Project X) to a girls only group because this year more than ever we have a low number of senior boys and a HUGE number of girls in every grade. Things will even out more in the future, there are many more jr/soph/fresh boys. We already have a 9th grade girls only group called Rhythmic Momentum (every 9th grade girl goes there). So all the girls in PX next year were either were in RM last year or PX (you can't go down a group). The saddest news of all is that there are 3 senior girls in the PX. I bet they balled their eyes out....I am tearing up just thinking about how sad that would be. If PX hadn't changed to all girls, their chance of moving to Chaos (the next group) would have been extremely high.
Last year there were a handful of senior girls in Chaos and they all dropped out (no senior girls were in PX last year, maybe one boy). I can't imagine how the senior girls in PX feel. (Carolyn was devastated to stay in Eternal Rush a 2nd year....these girls are 2 groups lower....and certainly thought they would move up their senior year.) Back in the old days (when Matthew was a senior), almost every senior made it to Spectrum, but the numbers, especially for girls just don't work out.
It helps that Joel is a boy, has a good voice, is athletic and can dance. Even more so, it helps that there are only 10 senior boys (7 in Spectrum). So next year it stinks to be a sophomore in ER, because there will only be 7 spots in Spectrum. This year they graduated 26 boys from Spectrum....so Joel had very good odds.....still a great accomplishment and he is thrilled.
Of course this means that next year we will be going Friday nights (for Anna) in Ignition and then late on Saturdays for Spectrum. The following year, if they both stick with it, we will have the first show of the day (Rhythmic Momentum) and the last (Spectrum). (and I don't mean just from our school...in almost every show the young girls group is the very start of the day and Spectrum is at the end of the varsity groups...next year for sure because they didn't lose once this year, so they get the "best" spot. (long days for sure, but we love Show Choir!!! glad Ken does, cuz then we just hang out together all day...and Anna is a great show choir buddy for one more year...then she will be with the high school students - unreal)