I got a message from a colleague that one of our newborn hearing screeners worked a weekend (I think last weekend, but not 100% sure, I hope for her sake it was last weekend). She tested a baby that was Covid negative, but had a Covid positive mom, from who she was separated at birth. WHY OH WHY did she test this baby? (our clinic is still closed, hearing is not an emergency)
No one asked me if it should happen and the doctors and nurses in the nursery should have known better! Either the baby was really Covid positive or she had something in her ear that was from mama...don't know. (or my colleague contracted Covid somewhere else) But I am sure the baby was tested using full PPE!!!! Anyway the newborn screener, who is in nursing school, so has had SO MUCH training regarding protective equipment, tested positive for Covid19 yesterday. She has a 13 month old baby who spent MONTHS in the NICU and is still tube fed. Please pray for this family. That no one else gets the disease in their family and that mom recovers quickly (she is in her 20s so that is in her favor).
I was never in contact with the colleague as she only works one weekend a month, so I am not worried about myself, just this family, and our world at this time.
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