So John Krazinski did 7 Episodes of "Some Good News". I watched it on Youtube, but first heard about it on Facebook I believe. Anyway, I think the most recent episode was the last and as he stood up at the end he was wearing pants. (In all the other episodes he had on funny bottoms: boxers, swim suit maybe, tutu) I felt it was such a good metaphor for moving forward. ("I put my pants on because I no longer can just talk on Zoom meetings.") I think we are far from being finished with our care and caution, but it is nice to feel like we survived and will continue to survive. I guess since my clinic opened last week, I really do have work clothes back on my 3 work days. I am seeing patients and living the new normal (with surgical mask and face shield and gloves...I should get a photo :0) so attractive). Anyway, love the "happy cry" brought by John's videos. I think esp. because Carolyn is a senior and he did a special "prom" and "graduation" episode, I felt especially touched.

Again, I am not one of those, "let's get a move on with regular life" people. I still am mostly staying at home, no restaurants or anything like that, no church or gatherings of people. I do walk with my buddy J. or my family, but that is my only fun outings and that is OK. Carolyn took her last final today, her summer begins - and looks exactly like her spring :0)
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