Friday, May 29, 2020


I sent Carolyn and Joel's teacher the picture I took of him as well as Carolyn's graduation photo and here was his reply:


Ahh! Thank you for those excellent pictures! Is it ok with you if I tweet the one of me? 

And, more importantly, thank you for sharing the gift of Lyn with us for so long. She’s an absolutely incredible human being and has taught me so much as an educator and, especially, a human in our time together. She’s one of those kids who are just impossible to forget. 

Here’s to more years of making great music and having great fun with Joel! He’s quite the kid, himself!



Also I drove to and from Ottumwa without getting out of the car.  There were National Guard personnel at the entrance and each stopping point.  (I love the National Guard) A nice nurse put a Q-tip in my nose for 10 seconds each side - no big deal.  Then it felt like I had laughed a little water in my nose for an hour or so - again no big deal.  Even if my risk is low (let's guess 5%), it was worth the drive (100%).  (By the way, the lady at Employee Health said that I COULD work of Friday, since I was asymptomatic and my PPE would protect my patients....uh no!  That would make me like Rand Paul who went to the Senate gym after testing for Covid...or that guy on the plane that found out in flight he was positive. NOPE.)  If they can close my clinic down for weeks, starting when there was less than 100 cases in Iowa, then I can stay away after being exposed for a week to someone with Covid at work.

 Carolyn and I worked on her T-shirt quilt.  (Her in the laundry room pressing, me in the kitchen cutting).  The RM (on top) t-shirt was really the back of another shirt because we didn't buy a Rhythmic Momentum shirt from her 9th grade show choir year, but she wanted that memory.  She embroidered this one.  The inside swirl is for the theme "Up in Smoke".

Carolyn (and many other people if the internet is to be believed) has taken up flower pressing during the pandemic.  Here are some lovely pressed flowers. 
 Some flowers awaiting the press!

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