Wednesday, July 1, 2020


So they posted a video of Carolyn's graduation, but watching it really just makes me sad.  Not because Carolyn is wearing a mask (although that is a bit surreal), but because so few kids did wear a mask.  sigh (for me I wish it had been cancelled, but overall, I think Carolyn had a good day)  (FYI, the staff in the background did all have masks on until they sat far away from kids, so thankful for that)

This swimming pool was literally over our house today.  (We were a little late to the picture, but it was crazy to watch)  This is our neighbor's new minipool/hot-tub. 

The girls and I went to do their back to school shopping...Here is Anna's pile, that she promised to put away as soon as she gets back from a bike ride she was invited to right after we tried everything on. (no try on rooms at Kohls)

It is funny because of all the things we bought, Anna's shorts were the most expensive, you know the thing that will be outgrown this time next year.  (actually they are already too small, so they have to go back and I ordered the same shorts in a larger size online, since they aren't available at our store)

  Also the shirts she picked out were more expensive than the other shirts chosen for Carolyn and me.  I figure, better that she get 3 shirts she loves than clothes that she doesn't want to wear.  That said, when she gets home from the ride, I am going to point our that if we take back the striped shirt she picked out, she can pick out 3 clearance shirts online.  We'll see what she thinks.  I always get great deals at Kohls and today was no exception.  Now the girls are done their school shopping for clothes.

  I have Kohl's cash, so I will go back with Joel to get a shirt or something....he has plenty of clothes for next year.  (It is handy to wear athletic shorts and t-shirts for most of your wardrobe!!  I just got rid of shorts he wore for what seems like 5 years)  

I got Matthew 3 shirts for winter, super Clearance!  If he doesn't want them, no big deal, since I am going back to return Anna's shorts anyway!!  Matthew cares the absolute least about clothes, so he is super easy.  I figure I won't be buying many clothes for him in the future!  (so part of me wants to make sure he has some nice things to wear to work, when the time comes!!)  

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Carolyn! Still waiting to see what (if anything) Ben will have.

    I had no idea they did pools like that!
