Tuesday, July 7, 2020


New uniforms/  
same employers

Not a great photo, but keep in mind it was before 7 am and Matthew had to bolt out the door....no time for better shot.  For a month he will be helping fix food instead of pushing grocery carts.  I think (aside from the start time) it is an excellent fit, since he loves to cook.

In addition to his weekend gigs....Joel also does a few "league" games during the week.  (I don't know what league it is, but so far these games haven't been in Ankeny.)  A majority of his weekend games have been right in town....yeah!

Anyway for a league game, there is only one ump and they call balls and strikes (if the kids are 8 or older) from behind the pitcher.  You can wear shorts, because it is scorching, and because it is more laid back than the weekends where you stand behind the plate, even if you don't have a partner in umping.  (Behind the plate you have all your gear and long pants.....luckily it is only 90 for many of the games (haha).  Really it is just lucky Joel is young and heat resistant.  Today Joel umped a U 7 (the kids can't be older than 7...the "U" means under I think) game first.  It is coach pitch. No balls or strikes to call.  Just foul balls and out vs. safe.  Such easy money.  I went with him tonight because the games were farther than I want him to drive alone.  (I could tell Ken was jealous, because he loves baseball, but he was still at work when Joel had to leave.)  2nd game was 8U, where they pitch to each other!  These boys are normally examples of the best boys who play little league.  (Which in our town isn't happening this year....although it is in several nearby communities.)

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