Don't judge Matthew because he is wearing PJ bottoms and a thermal shirt in the middle of the afternoon. He just worked a bunch of days in a row and it is his day off. Now if you want to judge him because it is 95 degrees....go ahead. (although he does have his computer and bed in the basement, which is nice and cool and he has 2 percent body fat (just guessing))
Plus I give him kudos because I was really un-energized this afternoon (because it is 95 degrees at 5pm) and he got me to go out to the garden!

One of my kids teased me for picking these veggies so small. Here is the honest truth, we likely will have plenty that will grow big, and I don't want to wait. (Also historically we do get a squash beetle that doesn't do us any favors....get while the getting is good. Plus as Matthew pointed out. They will be SO tender!)
Yesterday another colleague became sick (well she started to feel sick on Monday). Her Covid test was negative this morning, but they are having her repeat it today. (Of course every symptom under the sun is on the Covid symptom list!!) Hoping it was a true negative and not a false negative. She works at the front desk and the other front desk worker has a daughter getting married a week from Saturday! I feel like I have been very safe around both of them, so while I am concerned for her, I am not concerned for myself this time (live and learn). I don't think they were very safe around each other. T. will feel so bad if she gave C. Covid this week. So say a prayer!!!
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