Thursday, July 2, 2020


What do you call a day when the power goes out at 6:20am, but comes back on at 6:30.....the exact time your alarm clock is supposed to go off?  (and the same alarm clock happens to make a funny noise when it restarts)

An excellent day....with a very coincidental beginning.

So today has been a day of getting things done like crazy.  Ken is home (vacation day, since work is slow due to the 4th).  When he is home, I get more done.  (I think it is because he is doing stuff, so I do more stuff.)

Anyway....because I like photos.

A friend of mine recently adopted a dog named Luna....who looks just like our foster dog from last year...Lucy.   (Ok- their Luna is a little smaller, but otherwise, I feel like I am looking at Lucy!!)
 (Crazy coincidence again....we also had a foster dog in 2016 named LUNA, but she didn't have the white markings.  Still black lab mix.)

from summer 2019...aren't they cute?

Normally around this time of year we have Ankeny Summerfest.  Someone was smart and cancelled it for this year.  (Actually they might have said postponed until July 2021....which is a fun way to say it!)

The next crazy photos are from when Matthew made a cardboard ragatta and was going to race it at the Summer Fest with Anna until we realized that they would have had to compete against adults and we didn't think she was allowed.  Anyway, Joel was enlisted and he and Anna won the kid's race!  

Joel REALLY has grown since that time. (HERE: June 2018)

(compare to October 2019)

 Not to be's Anna

Compared to July 2018

This blast from the past is sponsored by a quiet day at the McCleary household!!

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