Lot's of kitchen time today! I made this salsa for Matthew....little low on ripe enough tomatoes, but it is what we had! (Will see him on Thursday, when I pick up Carolyn to come home for the long weekend. She has online classes on Friday, so I will pick her up after her last in person class Thursday)....Matthew doesn't need to come home yet :0) and Carolyn isn't ready to drive on I80 to come home for Labor Day (I assume).
My cookie makers....making some dough to cook on Wednesday, before going to see Matthew and today to take to a friend with dinner who has Covid :0(
From our garden....hoping they make Matthew's salsa hot...but last time I checked a pepper I couldn't feel my tongue for awhile, so I am just guessing here!

I asked Matthew if I could bring him anything on Thursday and he asked if there was any more produce from the garden. Alas, very little due to the heat and drought. I tried to get him a the last few green beans as I pulled up the plants, but looking at them indoors I realized it wasn't happening. I do have a summer squash to share....and tomatoes and a pepper. It made me so happy that he wanted garden food in Iowa City!!

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