Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Super summer

I know I have been a total blog-slacker, but not because of lack of material!  We had a great summer and here are some pictures.  Not representing everything, but just a smattering.  Right now my computer hard drive is full and probably has “issues” so I can only load a few pictures at a time.  I can’t get blogger to download everything in one post (perhaps related to computer issues).  I’ll post a few here and a few in another post.
 Ken's best bud (who must be taking this picture) visited Iowa and we went to McBride State Park to see his family.  Awesome weekend.
Matthew's first Summer fest parade in the band.  He is in the back of this pic.  Marching band - he is loving it!

Joel was in the parade with the scouts (and his dad!).  I have a pic of Matthew and Ken in a parade in Newburgh - but since I am slacking - I am not even searching for it!  Still - good memories.


  1. Good family times! Keep them coming. I love to see your faces.

  2. Great pics! And look at Joel ... marching in the parade in sandals! That is someone with young feet! :)
