Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas 2009

The kids had a wonderful morning, exchanging and opening gifts. I especially enjoyed that they were old enough to want to buy and make each other presents! They really seemed to enjoy the giving! It was nice that we live close enough to my folks, that we didn't have to haul presents to their house, yet we could be there to enjoy the festivities a few hours later.

It was so nice of Santa to work with Mother Nature to give us snow to use our "Christmas present". Yes, we do have a new camera too! Still I would rather have a treadmill than a snow-blower :)

I wasn't really trying for this facial expression, but wanted to show this picture of Anna and the zippy bag. She wanted to put EVERY present in the zippy bag I gave her to put her stocking stuffers in. I remember Carolyn at the same age, surrounded by toys in my parent's basement, happily focused on HER zippy bag, full of stocking treasures - not really interested in anything else!

The kids and my parents at my brother's house, Christmas Day.

Once again, my marvelous brother and sister-in-law hosted Christmas Day dinner. Here are the Grandparents and grandkids present (sorry to L* who was on the phone at the time!).

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Early Christmas Joy

First of all my kids are just SOOO excited for Christmas and in a good way. Carolyn can't wait until she can sing at Christmas Eve Mass, Matthew was busy wrapping a pot he made at school for Joel and Joel brought home a letter he wrote to Santa Claus as well as the reply he had received. He told me, "This is Santa's writing." (a very cool font w/ holly leaves amongst the letters) "He even wrote the stripes" (the very pretty candy cane like printer paper).

Additionally, I got an email from my walking buddy who said her daughter was free to babysit for me this morning! She came for almost 4 hours and it was great. I worked for a couple hours and took an uninterrupted shower! After I heard she was coming, I thought, "I would like to make her a small quilt for her American Doll collection" and I quickly whipped it up. I almost had it finished when she arrived. (the center square was done earlier....remember these posts (
( where the remainder of a queen sized quilt became a baby quilt.....well now 2 doll sized quilts have joined the ranks....I also found more of the triangles so you haven't seen the last of the little squares - I just love them)

It is about 12 by 16 inches in size. The back fabric is the same as the flowered binding.

This little quilt was made for my walking buddy's other daughter, who also baby-sits for us, but still had school today. I waited to make it until this afternoon, so as not to waste the productive baby-sitting hours.

Last but not least, a package arrived in the mail from Ken's sister. She had books and book-marks for the kids and 3 blocks for Carolyn's quilt I am making (more on that later...they are gorgeous). Additionally she sent me YARDS and YARDS of fabric. When we started talking about making Carolyn's quilt, I asked if she had any fabric left over from Anna's quilt, so I could add it to Carolyn's quilt to add a bit of unity in the room. I ment SCRAPS from her quilt. Aunt D. sent yards of these fabrics plus others. I am in quilters heaven. There are so many bright, beautiful fabrics - I can't wait to dig in.

I decided to make several new blocks for Carolyn's quilt. A few weeks ago I decided to make a handful of Carolyn's blocks just a plain square of fabric (flowers or stripes). Well, with Aunt D's squares and a couple of squares with the new fabrics....the plain squares are being kicked off the quilt (perhaps to the back). (Note....they weren't actually IN the quilt yet, just laid out on the floor of the basement in the "designing stage".) More on Carolyn's (and Joel's) quilts later. (Joel's top is one seam away from being done!)

My candy-store from Aunt D.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Be still my beating heart!

The pin cushion turned out so well (and looked like a perfect little pillow) that it gave Carolyn the idea that she wanted to make a pillow for Anna. This time she took the wheel! As a person who loves to sew, it thrills me to see her love it too!

Anna's pillow turned out so great that Carolyn made Grandma Schilling a sented pillow for her dresser. (don't tell Grandma, Grandpa!) Plans are in the works to make Grandma McCleary a pin cushion after the holidays, since we won't see her until spring. Carolyn also asked if she could make Anna a little blanket for Easter. I think she has the sewing-bug!

Plus, isn't the new hair-cut sweet. Her best buddy at school had this cut, so she requested it yesterday when we went to get our holiday beauty-cuts.

True gift giving

I really love homemade gifts. I also love when my kids want to do something for someone else.

Here is Matthew trimming the threads from the HAND WARMER he made his dad. He got this idea from his Boys Life Scouting Magazine.

Here is Carolyn the Crafter and her side-kick Anna Always Copying. It all started with the pin cushion Carolyn made for me. Then she decided to make a wallet for Joel and then Anna wanted to make something, so she made Joel a pillow. (Ok she picked out the fabric and Carolyn did the rest....I take that back, Anna did help stuff the pillow a bit). For these projects Carolyn just pushed the foot pedal on the sewing machine. See the next post for more excitement.

Friday, December 18, 2009

USPS and an old tradition, UPS and a new one!

I love getting the mail in December. I love reading the Christmas cards and letters and seeing all the pictures. Today was an especially great day to get the mail (USPS - United States Postal Service - if you aren't familiar with the initials) and a separate package (UPS).

Approximately 15 years ago (could be as few as 12, but I know I didn't have Matthew yet and I lived in my house, not apartment, in Omaha). I sent a good buddy a Christmas ornament. It is called a Friendship ball ornament and you put a little gift in it. Although she certainly was under no obligation, although it often becomes a tradition with these balls, she returned it to me the next year with a little gift inside. So went the tradition ever since. I was so happy to see this package in the mail today for 2 reasons. #1 It is a sweet reminder of an old friend and such a cute little bird (see below). #2 I could not remember if it was my year to send the ball. I could hardly call my friend and say, "do you have the ball or do I?", especially since that would imply that she needed to send it back to me. FYI to my buddy - next year when it arrives in your mail box, you are free to stop returning the friendship ball - no pressure - but a lot of fun.
The pretty ball. (just a bit bigger than a baseball).

A sweet bird ornament for our tree...LOVE IT!

UPS and Fed Ex often have packages for Ken, so I hardly get excited anymore when I see the truck. Today however they had a package for me that will start a wonderful new tradition in my family. We haven't read the book yet, since I saved opening the UPS box until after the kids went to bed, not knowing what was inside.
This little guy was sent from a dear friend. She told me about her Elf and a Shelf about a week ago and the fact that this little guy moves all over the house and the kids have fun searching for him. She asked if I had one and if I was the lying sort of person I would have said "YES" because when I said "No", I worried, "I hope she doesn't feel like she has to send me one!!!" Well, I am sure she didn't feel like she HAD to send me one, but I am guessing she knew my kiddos would LOVE it. THEY WILL. For the record, this little guy does look a lot like 3 little elves my parents had when I was growing up, they weren't all red though and I know they didn't move in the night.

I am going to make a rule that if you find the Elf, you can't tell anyone, so that the kids who need a bit more time can still enjoy the fun. We don't call Matthew "Eagle Eyes" for nothing, but luckily for the younger kids, he does like to sleep in.

So THANK YOU to two long time friends for making my Christmas Merry with two fun traditions.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

She has been found

The missing doll has been found.

I know it was only yesterday, but if you need a refresher click below.

My friend Maria said a prayer to St. Anthony (the patron saint of lost things). I did too, then went to get my flash light to look in the shadows of the under-stairs storage....NO doll.

I went back to my beloved storage room and thought "where did I go wrong with you?" (I did buy all my Christmas presents while I was in the middle of the storage room project.) Then I looked over to "Ken's side of the room". The place where unsorted boxes (mostly work stuff) still remain. Tucked among the boxes, I noticed the beautiful Target red bag on the dresser (that holds wrapping paper and craft items and is nearly inaccessible due to all of Ken's boxes). I must have stuck it there, thinking the kids couldn't get to it. Now I will make a big leap think, "I knew I was going to try to exchange it, so THAT is why it didn't get put with EVERY other present I bought." Sure wish I had remembered that yesterday.

Now Maria just needs to find HER game that needs to be returned! Best wishes Maria.

Happy Wrapping everyone.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My very tender-hearted girl

Carolyn said a few things that warmed my heart and really made me think tonight. When I was rocking Anna, before putting her to bed, Carolyn said, "I wish I was the youngest, so you could rock me. I miss those times." This made me realize that she needs more cuddle time. Earlier today she peeked in the room where I was sitting with Anna and said, "I just love to see you together." Note to self - much hugging, cuddling needed/enjoyed. We did talk about all the things she can do that Anna can't do and how nicely she is growing up. She came and stood by the rocker and joined the snuggle fest.

Later she said, "Every time you do something for Anna, you are teaching me how to be a mom." I thought this was very sweet too, but then worried (to myself), "What about all those moments when I am out of patience or crabby....eish....hope you aren't paying attention then".

For the record

For the record - last week's blizzard (that sent me into a blogging frenzie) was the biggest 1 day snow fall in Iowa in the last 32 years (approximately). Praise the Lord. Having not lived in Iowa for the last 19 years, I thought it was par for the course! Also it was 18 of the average 36 inches the Des Moines area gets in a year!

For the record, Anna is done her Christmas wrapping. Her mother is almost there. It actually was fun wrapping with her. She is still young enough that she has no idea what is coming, nor will she tattle to her siblings about their gifts. I was wrapping this morning when she wanted to cut up paper - then she said, "I need a package". The kids each got their siblings "dollar store" gifts, so she wrapped-up hers. (She was not happy wrapping a generic box I grabbed off he shelf, but was very happy wrapping the gifts to her siblings.) I, being from a very large family, am a very plain-jane wrapper. There were just too many presents long ago to be fancy. But today, we made sure all of the presents from Anna had sweet little bows!

Of course this picture is faked because my camera needs to much light to take a picture in my storage-work room, where the wrapping actually took place. I love this area now! Before, it was my worst nightmare.

For the record this next paragraph is a true story....

Since my storage room is very organized you would think the next saga would be impossible....but alas at 40, my brain is gone. When I did all my Christmas shopping, I was unable to find the correct hair color for the Our Generation Doll that Carolyn wanted. I bought a blond anyway, so that I could get the sale and the free clothes that went with the sale, figuring I would trade out my doll if a brunette became available. I then spoke to my folks, who were able to find a brunette at their store. They brought the brunette with them at Thanksgiving and this morning I was going to take the blond back. I can't find it! I put all the Christmas presents in 2 places - I used a couple of totes and put the big things in the storage closet under the stairs. I was pretty confident the doll fell into the "too big" category...but I can't find the silly thing under the stairs. I took almost everything out...still no doll. I will take a flash light down there tomorrow to see if it is hiding in a shadows, but after that I don't know where to look....the main storage room is clean for goodness sake! I feel like I have hyper-early onset dementia! I did find the free outfit that came with the doll (because that fit into the tote).

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Blizzard update

We were hit hard. Here is a picture out my front door. I could only open the door a little! Yes, that is snow up to my mailbox (aided by the snow plow).

We have a covered porch, but the drifting snow was BAD! There were bare parts of our lawn on both sides of the house. All that snow drifted into our driveway. It was 3 feet in some places. Once all the snow was shoveled, the pile of snow was taller than Carolyn, who I hit in the face with my shovel (so sorry baby!) .

Here is our sweet neighbor who helped me with his snow blower (this picture was taken after....didn't really feel right leaving him in the cold to go get my camera...the kids helped me make him zucchini bread and pumpkin muffins in thanks). I still worked at the snow for about 2 to 3 hours.....not complaining, just want y'all to think I am very tough! (Not so tough that the snow-blower will stay at the store this weekend...nope - Santa's coming early folks - so I hope you like dark pictures, cause the camera is a much lower priority.) If Ken is going to travel, I will have to have a snow blower. I can't expect my nice neighbor to save me every snow storm! (another neighbor also offered to help - of course I know he is having arm surgery NEXT week, so I politely declined....but wasn't that nice of him??)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

2 a day limit

Matthew helped me shovel before and after school.

Joel and Carolyn "helped" after school too.

Ok - so I have shoveled snow twice today - my unofficial limit. If you looked outside - could you tell that I shoveled today? Probably not. I was afraid that if I didn't get the layers off, I would be unable to shovel all the snow at once. I probably am right and was joined in my many shoveling adventures by neighbors with the same thought. Now of course the blizzard has covered the cement with a new, very thick layer of snow.....tomorrow's exercise!

The kids went outside at recess - in the blizard. I thought you folks from southern Indiana would like that one!

Pray for Ken's safe travels. Luckily, he is south today, so maybe he has avoided the weather so far. He won't be driving back home until tomorrow night.

New Christmas tradition

Our church has an Advent Fair and St. Nicholas Party. They really are 2 different things (the fair is put on by the religious ed. staff and the St. Nicholas Party is hosted by the Knights of Columbus). But they were smart and held them on the same day with slightly overlapping times. That way you could hit both and have a double-fun afternoon. On the way to church, Joel was discussing the fact that Santa has many names, including Saint Nicholas. (St. Nicholas had put treats in his shoe during Sunday school that day.) What followed might have been a bit confusing, although no one seemed to think so.....

We got to see Mr. and Mrs. Claus . Anna sure gave him a funny look, but willing sat on his lap after Joel jumped on.

The Advent Fair and St. Nicholas parties were well loved by everyone. Of course if there is a craft involved Carolyn is REALLY in her element!

The kids also got to visit with Saint Nicholas. For being one person, with different names, he sure sure has a variety of looks - and all in the same day! Anna didn't think St. Nick looked strange at all....priests look like this all the time at church (or at least more so than they look like Santa).

Monday, December 7, 2009

It's a first

Anna has never played in the snow before. When the other kids went sledding with Ken last year, she stayed home. If we had been in a house, she probably would have ventured out at little bit, but since snow was three floors away at the apartment, she stayed in. She had a great time today. Of course her warm gloves are impossible to get on her fingers, so she just wore stretchy gloves. She seemed fine and having fun until she was crying, taking off her gloves, exposing her cold fingers. I guess next time we will work harder at prying on the warm is so hard to shove the fingers in. Maybe we can find some snow-mittens. Or put regular mittens over the stretchy gloves. (In my defense, I had just run into the house to get her a dry pair of gloves.)

(I know my photos have been a bit dark lately, our camera is dying. It is almost 6 years old, but I still hate to have to replace it. Guess we know how to spend our Christmas money.)

New quilt in the making!

I have a long-time friend who is expecting a baby. Of course the moment I heard, I thought "I am going to make this baby an "I-spy" quilt. When I am sewing I always pray for the new baby and mommy-to-be. "I-spy" is my new favorite (quilt) thing. (thank you to S.S. for the great idea) The picture above is a doll-sized quilt that I am made for Carolyn (to give at Christmas). Anna's is almost done and looks similar. I also am making Joel and "I-spy" pillow. (I think Matthew might have aged out of this project.) Anyway...back to the new baby. Say a prayer for this sweet little-one. I have always thought her/his mother would be and has been a fantastic mother. What a lucky baby.

Welcome back to Iowa Ken

Last year, when the snow flew, we were safe and shovel free in the apartment. Now the reality of living in Iowa is in full force. I could have helped Ken shovel today (since I was up at 4:45), but decided that he is going to be out of town PLENTY this winter, to give me ample shovel time. The kids have shovels too, but today is early band (when Matthew needs to be at school around 7) so he didn't have to help today! When I am home alone, you better bet your sweet petunias, he will be out there with me! Not sure how helpful the other 2 will be...although Carolyn will do great watching Anna and Joel always surprises me...he is always striving to do as well as his older siblings at everything.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Favorite Christmas Traditions

Here is Joel by the tree during our annual decorating extravaganza. I am not much of a decorator, so this is the big day of the year! I especially love the home-made ornaments and the special ornaments that Ken buys each family member every year. The kids love figuring out (using the dates) which ornament was for which person. (the theme often gives it away... who do you think received the Harry Potter ornament last year?)

Here are the kids standing by their Christmas stockings. I still need to make Anna a stocking sewn just for her, but this year she will probably use one that was sewn for the family in general! Joel's stocking was sewn after Carolyn's and Matthew's. It has tiny little blocks, and it was sewn when I was pregnant with him. Very fond memories! The kids are holding some of their special ornaments.

About 10 years ago, my sister M. started giving her God children a piece to a Nativity scene each year. Of course we loved the idea (best one ever!) and several of us adopted it for our God children. This year my God-daughter E. will start to receive the camels for her scene. Below are Joel's figures, bought for him each year by his Aunt C. (The creche is actually Carolyn's, but we didn't figure that out until Joel had everything set up.)

Here is the one that started it all! A forever treasure for Matthew.

Carolyn's figures are a bit different, more girlie. Carolyn's GodFather Uncle P. (well, his personal shopper Aunt C. from above) gives her the same set they are buying for their daughters. Note it's placement on the shelf up can guess why, if not her name is Anna. (Actually Joel and his occasional ball in the house is another reason.)

Anna doesn't have a set started, but when she is old enough to understand it, we will start to give her pieces.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Final ideas from friends - ORGANIZATION edition

HERE are the last ideas from my friends (again no editing by me). These ideas are for organizing my world. I have really done many changes and plan to make a few more as time permits. I really enjoyed when my house was super clean for Thanksgiving and want to work toward more clean days!

  • Purchase white underwear and colored underwear for your family to avoid the ":no clean undies in the drawer" dilemma. If you have some colors, some whites, then clean ones will come out of every load. And at our house, it takes longer for me to have a full load of whites since they are small socks, underwear, undershirt stuff.

· White Socks: Since I have all boys, and they are close in age but wear different size socks, I purchase Target's gold toe socks…they have gold lines/stripes around the toes for different sizes. The oldest has" 3-liner", the middle boys "2 lines" and the youngest "1 line". This allows the kids to also sort and fold their own socks. I also have a giant sock basket (actually 2): one for unfolded clean socks and another for matched/folded socks.

· Paper Clutter: I keep a clip board in the pantry in the kitchen which holds ONLY the school lunch calendar and each of the boys school calendars. Every day the boys can look and read the menu and let me know if they want hot or cold lunch. Since we refer to their school calendars frequently and for a month at at time, they are right there too.

· Paper Clutter: I have a basket that only holds the kids artwork/school work that I may want to keep. The best stuff goes on the frig or wherever. The boring stuff goes in the recycle bin ( which I keep a paper grocery sack next to the trash can for) when they are not looking. Later I will sort through the artwork.

· Paper Clutter: This is my newest system: I made a list of all the different activities we are involved in that I collect papers from first off. Once I realized how much crap we have going on, it made me feel much better about how much clutter I was collecting. ( F&F, NE Elementary, Preschool, Boys Sports, Cub Scouts, My Mary Kay Business, Relig., Ed, etc.) Then I got a file thing that sits on my desk where I can throw everything quickly and also find it quickly. This system take a little work, but it is helping some.

· Schedule: I use Outlook on my computer and am able to send it to my husband's work where we can add things to calendar. Both of our phones also have our calendars so we can refer to them all the time.

· I keep a laundry basket in my kitchen as well.

· I put stuff on the steps that needs to go up or down so I can take it with me the next time I go that direction. Hope to teach my kids to start noticing their crap on the steps and take it up themselves!!!

· I have those Monday/ Tuesday /Wednesday things in the kids closets and put together outfits so they can dress themselves.

· Plan your day in advance.

· Good babysitters - you need to start getting some babysitters into your house so you can get a break once in a while. Especially while your husband is gone. When Brian was deployed the best thing I ever did was to continue doing jewelry shows where I got away once in a while in the evening. News flash - our kids need a break from us as well! Join a book club or a women's group or something that you HAVE to attend so there's no backing out at the last minute.

· Have you heard of Check it out. I've read her book - have it if you want to look at it. She's ALL about routines. If you're struggling with something it's probably because you have no routine to handle it. I was that way with grocery shopping. HATED it. But now with the grocery game I know I'm shopping either Thursday, Friday, Saturday and somehow it seems more bearable.

· We are just starting this so it's only mildly successful (not a routine yet!). We do a 'roundup' every night and each child picks up 5 things and puts them where they belong - does not have to be their own items. We do an allowance for our kids so doing this goes on their 'allowance' sheet and they earn money for it. But you could do other incentives - stay up an extra 5 minutes, an extra story, stickers, a bedtime snack, etc. It's amazing what a difference that makes in the house! If mornings are better, you could do it in the morning before they eat breakfast or right after school before they get a snack.

· I also have a routine where I do laundry every M,W,Fr. Another thing I was struggling with was getting laundry done. Now I just know - it's Monday, time to do Laundry.

· Lastly - who cares! Who cares if your house is not perfect or laundry isn't always done on time. Cut yourself some slack, give yourself a break. You can have everything you want you just can't have it all at the same time. Someday you'll look around at your spotless, toyless house and think, gosh I miss having those kids around! Don't make their strongest memory of you be about perfection or stress over the messy kitchen. That stuff doesn't matter in the long run.

· Organization- family calendar, morning, after school, and night time routines

· Papers: I have one big computer paper box for each kid to save their best artwork. I only save original stuff, and sort through as I go to keep the number of papers manageable. Aside from that, we have a standing file that we put our mail into right after it arrives with these categories: kids, ours, social, bills, coupons/gift cards.

· Getting organized: I'm trying to think through my day the night before and put the stuff I'll need on errands into the car, pack the bags, etc. I'm not very motivated to do this in the evening and usually run out of gas before I do!

· I toss all of D*'s "art work" the minute it comes home and put the "to do" things in the top shelf of my plastic paper trays

· Also, someone told me to only touch a piece of paper ONCE. I can't say I always follow that rule, but I try to. When you pick up a piece of paper, either mail, school stuff, or whatever, immediately file it away, fill it out, put it back in the bag, or whatever is needed. Don't lay it on the counter or pile it in a pile because then you will have to pick it up again which would be touching it twice. I can't remember how many times, average, a piece of paper is touched before it really is where it's suppose to be, but it would surprise you. It really does help if I can stick to it!!!

· A new thing I am just a three ring binder with some plastic sleeves. I put in things like the schedule to the nature center, the zoo newsletter, one folder with restaurant menus and coupons,....anything I want to save for the short term, but don't want to pile up. Following my mom's model, I keep a steno notebook with "to do" lists, things that people tell me on the phone, etc so I don't lose little papers. I haven't figured out what to do with "recipes to try", but I think I am going to stop clipping since I don' try many. Ones I get/receive on email Is age in word documents for future reference. For toys, we have more than we need. My friend and I doing toy swapping which works great since it's like getting new toys when you swap AND when you get the old ones back.

· School calendars go on the inside of the pantry door – my kids eat hot lunch every day so I don't have great hints there except to make them the night before and store them in the fridge. Papers get looked at once and the junk mail never even makes it in the house – we have community boxes, so it gets sorted and recycled before it hits the back door.

· Toys are all supposed to stay off the main floor (with the exception of the ones stored in the toy box here). Everything else is sorted into labeled smaller totes and stored in the basement credenza. Theoretically only one bin per child should be out at a time, but we're still working on that one.

· D* also has a monthly calendar on his bulletin board that we update the "long term" projects, practices, Mass serving & Safety Patrol on. This seems to be helping him keep on top of how much "extra" stuff he has to do.

· As for the toys, I don't know that I'm much help there, but when M* was little, I never put out all her toys at once. Too overwhelming for small children. Instead, I divided them up into 3 or 4 big bins, and rotated them every 1-2 weeks or so. Some people refer to this as "blessing" the toys. Kids are so excited about seeing old favorites come back out to play again after they've been MIA for a month or so!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


We are most Thankful for our wonderful family. (I am especially thankful for the husband who spent the last week helping me slave over the house to get it ready for our visitors.....this included painting our little bathroom (his idea)- what a guy!)

I was very thankful that Grandma and Grandpa (Anna calls them both Bapa) came a day early to watch Anna while I had a tooth capped. Although I am not glad to need tooth repair, I was very happy that Anna was safe with Grandma and Grandpa, that I have good dental insurance and a very good dentist and dental assistant. We LOVE when the Bapas come for a visit! Wish they could stay longer, but my older brother is coming to their town on Saturday to help my Dad celebrate his birthday on Monday.

My brother and sister-in-law and their 3 children joined us for Thankgiving dinner. My sis-in-law, my mom and I had a great time fixing food in the kitchen, just chatting the day away while we prepped!
Here is the kid's table. I know my children are happy to have cousins close in age! They were excited to get to go swimming at the hotel tonight. (Anna and I stayed home, since she skipped her nap and she was barely able to walk by the end of the evening, half asleep.)
Anna was happy to go outside and play with her big-girl cousin! Sure wish she lived in town - I would help finance another pair of her Ugg boots.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Ken (on Tuesday)...What did you do to celebrate?....well, I spent an exciting vacation day, cleaning and prepping the house for our Thanksgiving guests, thanks for asking....but I did get these swell cakes decorated by Joel! (no quotes, so just pretend that is what he would say)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Success - 20 boxes in 20 days

Remember this post?(specifically see the bottom picture after you say hi to my mom - ha ha).

Well that picture was take before my old house was delivered to my new house (meaning these were just boxes brought from the apt. and the inside of the boxes were thrown together as we rushed to get out of the apt).

Well here is the same space, with sorted and organized boxes.
Here is the other storage shelf.
Here is my new work-space - IN THE STORAGE ROOM. This way, I can wrap gifts, sort photos, work on quilts and just close the door if we have company (or just to keep the clutter away from our living space). see the cookies in a jar? (they still need fabric tops)
What you can't see is that there is floor space - lots of it and organized totes (mostly)......AND A SMILE ON MY FACE.
Now I better go wake my kids for school and clean the rest of the and dad arrive tomorrow - hurrah.

New Tradition

Today Carolyn, Anna and I made "cookies - in - a - jar" to give to her choir teachers, scout leaders and RE teachers. (we made a few extra for the boys to give - Joel would have helped, but had a friend over and Matthew was doing homework). You can see the finished product in my next post (because they are stored in my new work space in the basement).
Of course Carolyn loved it and was a great help.
And, of course, Anna loved it, and the floor was collateral damage.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

More information from family - quick dinner

My sister-in-law just chimed in with this dinner. I can especially see this on a Tuesday night when we have to rush from Religious Ed. to Scouts!

Pita Pizza

1 pita per person depending on appetite
jar of favorite spaghetti sauce
little bit of olive oil
garlic if you like it
shredded mozzarella cheese
any other veggies or toppings you like

cover a cookie sheet with sides with tin foil (NO WASHING) I do this as often as I can to save on clean up!)
rub olive oil on each pita ( I spread it around with a paper towel)
if you like garlic (I use the jarred stuff here) add some on top of pita
bake on cookie sheet for 5 min or so to make crust crispy
remove from oven and top with 2 Tbs. of spaghetti sauce
add any other toppings you like
top with as much cheese as you like
bake for about 15 min. Keep eye out
Cut for the kids and serve

Information from friends - Menu planning and food ideas

December: 2009
13141516 1819

Three very smart friends recommended making and sticking to a menu. This seems like a good financial idea as well as an organizational brainstorm. That way we can try to clear out our freezer and cook smarter! (ex. brown hamburger for several meals at one time, or make chicken noodle soup after cooking a chicken for a previous meal - providing broth and meat). I take credit for nothing below. If a reader would like to take credit (you know who you are) - just add it to the comment section.

One main idea these two friends shared is SHOP LESS!
Here are some details (copied from their email)

When I cook, I try to make 4 meals at a time. Current favorite cook ahead meals are: Shepherd's Pie, Mexican Tamale Pancakes, Crock Pot meals. Stand by quick meals: Beans and Rice, quick "Parmesan". Take prepare eggplant, chicken patties or turkey patties a, add sauce and cheese and put in toaster oven or regular oven, turkey meatballs from Costco (use in spaghetti, add to BBQ sauce, or plain with mashed potatoes, etc.). For lunches at home, I've tried to simplify. I have salad (prewashed mixed greens from Costco, shredded cabbage and some form of protein on top) and kids have hummus or lunchmeat, bread/crackers, fruit and veggies. On weekend we open soup or chili (no great sodium content, but they make some better soups these days and if I cook chicken in crock pot I save broth and dumped in noodles or rice and frozen veggies). It also works well to "doctor" canned soup by adding frozen veggies or canned beans.

M* has in the computer many of the meals we typically eat and what is needed to make those. Every 2 weeks he prints that list off, crosses out what we have, and circles what we need. It seems to work well for us. It took a little time to get all that info in the computer, but now it's very easy to just print it out.

I've attached my monthly menus….I was printing out blank calendars and then filling them in w/pen or pencil. I still do that but realized I could easily go back in to the file and "update" it with the entrees we served. If it says "open" we were either out of town, had other meal plans or the entrée just wasn't a huge hit. J If you really want to be "budget" conscious, I put my grocery list on an Excel spreadsheet and then scan the ads – putting in the lowest price I find and changing it when I find a better deal. Then you can take the ads to Wal-Mart (that's the only place that price matches around here) and do your shopping. I was experimenting with doing this bi-weekly and trying to determine if the bottom line changed enough, but found that we would run out of time to do the shopping if it wasn't all done at the beginning of the month, and then we would end up drive-thru dining, which is MUCH more expensive.

Crock Pot recipes are also a huge factor in my life.
Crock Pot Recipes

All soups can be made in the crock pot – just put your normal ingredients in and put them on low for the day.

Pork Chops & Mushroom Gravy

Brown your pork chops and put them in the crock pot. Cover with a large can of cr. of mushroom soup on low for the day. Serve with mashed potatoes. (Potatoes can be boiled, mashed & frozen ahead of time (I often make a double batch) and then defrosted in the microwave. Add milk if they seem too dry.

French Dip Sandwiches

Put a roast (cheap is fine – it's going to cook all day) w/one can of Beef Consume, one can of French onion, & one can of beef broth. Shred beef and serve on hard rolls w/juice to dip in.

Beef Stroganoff

Dice the roast (I do mine bite size to eliminate cutting it again at the table for the little one). Put it in the crock pot and cover w/large can cr. of mushroom, 2 cans mushroom pieces, pkg dry onion soup mix, salt, pepper and one cup of wine.

Crock Pot Lasagna

Break up 8 uncooked lasagna noodles. Place half in the bottom of the crock pot. Brown hamburger (can mix w/half ground turkey (economical) or use ground Italian sausage (sometimes cheaper, tastier) w/1 tsp. Italian seasoning. Spread half over noodles. Layer spaghetti sauce, canned mushrooms, ricotta cheese & mozzarella cheese. Repeat layers. Cook on low about 5 hrs. (I usually use a whole jar/can of spaghetti sauce, sm. Can mushrooms – not a fave of some of the kids, the whole container of ricotta and a whole 2 c. bag of moz.)

Pizza Rigatoni

1 ½ lb. Italian sausage, browned; 3 c uncooked rigatoni noodles; 4 c. shredded moz. Cheese; sm can cr. of mushroom soup; 2 cans (15 oz. & 8 oz.) pizza sauce; 3 ½ oz. pepperoni; 1 can pitted ripe olives drained & halved.

Layer ½ of all ingredients in the above order. Repeat layers. Cover & cook on low for 4 hrs.

Chicken & Stuffing (Found out my kids don't like stuffing, but Bri & I liked it)

Put 6 boneless chicken breasts in the bottom of the crock pot. Add a sm. Can cr. of chicken soup. In another bowl mix 1 ¼ c water, ¼ c melted butter & a 6 oz. pkg. of stuffing mix. Cover the chicken and cook on low for 4 hrs.

Golden Chicken & Noodles

Put 6 boneless chicken breasts in the bottom of the crock pot. Mix 2 cans condensed broccoli cheese soup with 2 c. milk, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. dried basil & 1/8 tsp. pepper. Put over chicken and cook on high for 1 hr, turn to low and cook 5 to 6 hrs. Serve over noodles. (I've almost always skipped the 1 hr. on high….just do it all on low for 6 – 8 hrs.)

Chipotle Rib Sandwiches

Slice a sm. onion into bottom of Crock pot. Put 3 ½ lbs. beef short ribs in crock pot, meaty side up. Sprinkle w/pkg. of beef onion soup mix, add 16 oz. jar of chipotle salsa (Pace) & ½ c. ale-style beer. Cook for 10-12 hrs on low. Shred meat to serve on hard rolls. *I didn't care for this one – thought it was too bitter, but then I added the whole beer – not just ½ c. Brian & the boys liked it, I don't remember coryn & Levi's vote.

Ziti w/Spicy Ragout

Cook 1 lb. dried ziti and add to crock pot. Brown 1 ¼ lb. hot Italian sausage, drain & add to crock pot. Add 1 jar spicy red pepper pasta sauce, 2 c. shredded Italian cheese blend & 1 c. red wine (merlot). Stir together and cook on low for 2 – 4 hrs. Serve w/shredded Parmesan cheese.

Zinfandel-Braised Pork Loin

Sprinkle 3 ½ lb. double pork loin roast w/1 pkg. Italian herb marinade mix and set aside. Combine 1 cored & thickly sliced apple 1 onion thickly sliced in bottom of crock pot. Add 1 ½ c. Zinfandel and put roast on top. Cook on low for 6 – 8 hrs. (you are supposed to serve the apples & onions w/the juices reduced to half….knowing my kids I didn't even waste the time – chalked it up a loss, but the roast was really good)

Carrot Spoon Cake

Spray crock pot w/cooking spray. In a lg. mixing bowl combine 1 pkg spice cake mix, 2 c. shredded carrots, sm box instant butterscotch pudding,4 lg eggs, 8 oz. can crushed pineapple, 1 c. sour cream, 1 c. water & ¾ c. canola oil. Beat on high for 2 min. Cook on low for 4 ½ - 6 hrs. Serve w/whipped cream.

Chocolate Pudding Cake

Spray crock pot w/cooking spray. Mix 1 pkg choc. Cake mix, 1 pkg instant chocolate pudding mix, 2 c. sour cream, 4 eggs, 1 c. water & ¾ c.veg. oil for 2 minutes. Stir in 1 c. choc. Chips. Spray crock pot w/cooking spray and add mixture. Cook on low for 6 – 7 hrs.

Hot Cocoa Cake

Spray crock pot w/cooking spray. On the stove, heat 2 c. milk to almost boiling and set aside (I have no idea why you do this!) In lg. mixing bowl combine 1 pkg choc. Cake mix, 1 ¼ c. water, 3 lg. eggs, and 1/3 c. canola oil. Mix on med. for 2 min. Transfer to crock pot. Sprinkle 1 box cook & serve choc. Pudding mix over batter & slowly pour in hot milk. Cover & cook on low for 4 hrs. Turn off crock pot & sprinkle cake / 1 c. marshmallows. Let stand for 5 min. Serve warm by scooping out cake & serving w/additional marshmallows & choc. Syrup. Can also let cool completely and sliced to serve

Here are a few other good recipes I received:
Easy supper: Zippy Chick. 1/2 c apricot preserves, 1/2 c catalina dressing, 1/2 package onion soup mix. Mix these together and pour over 4 chicken breasts. Bake 350 for 50 minutes. Serve with broccoli and rice.

Best recipe idea: boneless pork chops, favorite bbq sauce. Put pork chops in crockpot for at least 3 hrs high...put to low later and then to warm. Serve over rice...a no brainer and my kids love this. Little mess.....

Taco Soup: boil a chicken (save the broth) de-bone and chop chicken (a little time consuming) add 1pkg. taco seasoning 1pkg. ranch seasoning 1 onion, 1 can corn 2 cans chili beans, 1 jar salsa, 1 can chopped green chillies. Top w/ fritos, sour cream, and cheese

One thing we do is get turkey kabob (?) and saute that with chopped onion. Then mix that with mac and cheese and frozen peas. Total comfort food.

Another thing I have recently started doing is cooking and freezing meals with two friends of mine. It's sort of like Once-a-Month cooking (they have a website) but another good book is "Don't Panic - Dinner's in the Freezer". You can start out slow, just making double batches of dinners here and there, and gradually building a back-up stock of dinners. Right now, we have frozen spaghetti sauce in the freezer stacked up in flat ziploc bags. The best part about this is that I sneak in frozen spinach and fresh carrots chopped up very finely into the sauce. It makes the sauce heartier and sneaks veggies into my daughter, who LOVES my spaghetti and always asks for it. :) I actually use my favorite Ragu sauce, but add sweet Italian sausage that I cook in the oven in a baking pan to cut down on the mess (rather than use a skillet and do it stove top), and then the secret veggies. Heat up the sauce to cook the veggies a bit, and then let cool and spoon into quart (or you might use gallon size) ziploc bags.