Sunday, June 30, 2019

summer photo session

It has turned hot in Iowa (we had a lovely June really).   I wanted to get Carolyn's senior photos this summer, so that we also could get a family photo. Unfortunately, Carolyn had her wisdom teeth removed so early this summer that we couldn't get it done before now.  I admit defeat though, because it will be too hot to do a big photo session before fall.   Therefore no big photo shoot with the whole family (as Matthew is out of pocket all fall due to marching band season at UI).

Therefore I decided to take some "mom" photos before things got tooooo hot this summer, so I might get something for a Christmas photo.  The "normal" photo didn't turn out as someone was blinking in every one, but I like some of these "blast to the past" photos.  (they make me so happy!!)

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Spring 2019

In no particular order (at least not chronologically)

Vacation Bible School Crew Leaders - note to Anna - when you ham it up the pictures are much more fun!!!

Catholic Youth Camp (went right after performing a VBS song at church)

 Girls on the Run - On Anna's birthday!!  5K baby!

Lunch with Ken's sister, her hubby and Ken's folks in the Amana Colonies

 Jordan Scholars- Carolyn in pink - 3rd from the right

Reiman Garden and Butterfly house

followed by lunch at Hickory Park (Ames) - big McCleary tradition!

Rest in Peace Bri

Bri was our Foster dog of 2019, but she  was with us only a short time due to kidney disease.  Hope we made her last weeks a bit happier.


When Bri thought she was a lap dog.
 Bri LOVED being outside - so much to see