Monday, September 9, 2013


I know you think I am crazy posting a picture of our peppers.  You must know, we have NEVER grown a good pepper.  We have tried before, but they have been yucko.  These however were left to vine ripen.  It helped that we only spotted them (fully grown, but green) last week.  We are getting a total of 5-7 snack size peppers, but aren't they beautiful? 

The family is doing well too :0)

Joel's knee had to get "braces" (staples) last week when he fell ON his bike (not off).  The nurse said he was the first kid his age they didn't have to hold down to do the staples (well the lidocain before the staples).  Very brave.  And I will spare you the picture!!


  1. I don't think it's funny at all. It's not easy to grow peppers that pretty that haven't been feasted on by birds before we get our hands on them. I hope they were sweet as could be.

    As for the staples, thank goodness for lidocaine.
