Sunday, May 10, 2015

Word of the Year

I know it isn't January 1st, but it took me awhile to come up with my word.  Truth be told, it would have been different 5 months ago had I been forced to choose and I LOVE this word.

Lately I have been reading and listening to Gretchen Rubin and I am changed person.  Ok - I know that sounds dramatic, but it is so true.  More on that later.  My word fits my life right now, because I'll be honest, sometimes the things I strive for are still in the "attempt" stage.  That is why STRIVE is such a good word.  My house might look a mess, but I am STRIVING to make it better.  Had I chosed "clean" for my word, I would always be disappointed because rarely is that the sight I see.  However, when I think STRIVE, I remember that my office is very tidy, both cars are parked in the garage, my storage room has come SOOOOO far and is almost picture ready and my laundry room is a lovely place instead of a "quick close the door" kind of area!  

See why STRIVE is so great?  Even when I only have a minute or two, I can STIVE to be better!

(re: the photo.....the picture is Anna at the last Cub Scout rocket launch last fall....she is striving to catch a rocket!)


  1. I like the hope implied in the word strive. I'm glad you are on this wonderful path.
