Saturday, July 9, 2016

Sassy girl

We are a foster family.

 This is Sassy, but she is rarely sassy!  She is sweet.
 The kids love her (well Matthew is indifferent).  Ken and I think she is really nice.

Carolyn is gah-gah go-crazy for this dog.
Luckily, the feeling is mutual.  If Carolyn walks in the room, the rest of us are chopped liver.  Unluckily, Sassy is not our forever dog.  No dog is our forever dog.  I just have too much on my plate to make room for a dog.  We have vacations, trips to eastern Iowa, college visits, plus I don't want to leave a dog 7.5 hours a day 3 days a week when I work.  Carolyn didn't go with us to the Foster meeting, which I thought was strange and indicated a lack of interest in the dog.  Well that wasn't true.  She wanted to keep the dog forever after knowing her about 3 minutes.  Sassy has a meet and greet tomorrow with a potential adopter.  The timing would be fine because Carolyn and Joel are doing "Christ's Hands", a service retreat at our church for 3 days.  Then we leave for vacation for a week, then Carolyn is at camp for a week, then we go to Burlington....not a good time to be dealing with the dog.

Truly the kids haven't reneged on their duty to the dog.  They do the feeding and the bagging of poop.  Still the house smells a little "doggy", there are dog things strewn about the place.....I just can't do it for 13 more years.  (Sassy is 2 and her breed (mostly dachshund) live to 15 typically.)  Anna will be long gone to college by then and I want to travel!

That said, isn't she a cutie.  If I wanted a dog, she would be a great choice.  She will be a great addition to someone else's house! 

1 comment:

  1. You are a better person than I. No doggies here, please.
