Sunday, July 24, 2022

Vacation 2022, Day one, Saturday July 16, 2022

We drove to Chicago and had a harrowing parking garage experience (honestly the entrance to the Embassy Suite's garage was made for bicycles).....thankfully the exit was normal size, and Ken is an excellent driver!  (We didn't leave the parking garage until we were leaving Chicago. We stayed at the same hotel in 2015!) 

We went to church and had pizza.  Honestly this was the most fancy church we have ever attended.  But the service could have come right out of Ankeny - except they had a HUGE pipe organ, which made the music sound a bit different.  This is one of the main churches for the Archdiocese of Chicago.  Holy Name Cathedral.  Here is a photo pointed up.  The ceiling and the stained glass was incredible.  We definitely went to a different church in 2015.....this we would have remembered. 

Ready to start the next day....  Here is our view from the hotel:  Navy Pier, Lake Michigan.  We saw a great deal of Lake Michigan after leaving Chicago as our route Up North followed the Lake.

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