Sunday, June 5, 2011

Potty Problems

Last night, Ken was playing kickball with Anna, Matthew and Carolyn while Joel and I were reading Stone Fox . Joel didn't know about the kickball game, or I am sure he wouldn't have wanted to read :) We started reading before the kickball game began.

Luckily, after awhile Joel decided he wanted to do something else, and he went downstairs to find that Anna had flooded the bathroom accidentally. Since Anna cries over anything, Joel's shouts were more quickly responded to by both Ken and me. Basically it was the perfect storm in the toilet world. The toilet became plugged and the flapper was stuck in the up position. It took a lot of work (mostly in the basement) to get everything dry.

Fast forward to this afternoon. Last night every towel in the near vicinity of the bathroom was used to soak up the water in the bathroom. Therefore there was no towel in bathroom today to dry hands. If you look closely at our towel rack, when the towel is gone, you might notice that it resembles the rings that can be used to swing from on a play-ground. Ok, you might not notice that, but Anna did - CRASH - down came the towel ring. The dry wall was so thick in her hair that she need another bath. So in less than 24 hours Anna has required major home improvement time for the bathroom - TWICE!

While she was in the tub, she asked, "can daddy fix it?" Did you notice, she didn't ask, "can mommy fix it?" She must not have read my Handy Mandy post from last month. Ok - let's be honest, Ken will be patching the wall by himself :)

By the way - if you haven't read Stone Fox - it is a MUST read for the early elementary years!

1 comment:

  1. Had to laugh on your remark about your Anna's cries not being as attention-grabbing as other kiddos. . .same with Margaret around here. . .it's just normal background noise all the time!
    We had a towel bar incident with Ben years ago. . .

    Thanks for the Stone Fox recommendation. I don't really remember it at all.

    Peace, friend!
