Thursday, December 1, 2011

Why my hubby wins Husband of the Year!

Today I had my final for my 2nd audiology class.

#1 I called my hubby at 4:15 to say the wireless internet wasn't working on our home computer and he came home right away to fix it.
#2 Then he set us his computer as a back-up, in case the wireless connection gave up during the test.
#3 After that he took all 4 kids out to dinner so it would be quiet during my test.
#4 Before leaving he made light of the situation by saying, "have a good time" is always good to make light of a situation with a smile on your face.
#5 He was thoughtful enough to take my work bag out of the car when he left...thank Goodness, because I needed a picture ID to take the proctored test, but forgot until after he left.
#6 Last but not least he brought me a calzone for dinner after my test and got the kids PJs on and teeth brushed while I enjoyed it.

I would include a great picture of my hubby here, but I charged my camera battery without plugging in the charger to the wall.....(and my hubby didn't even make fun of me because he is so great)

1 comment:

  1. Ah, what a guy! Any one of those things is great but to have all of them happen in a single day is the BEST!
