Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Admission of Defeat or Best Decision of the Day

We have long had 2 plastic totes of puzzles - one with the wooden puzzles and one with the cardboard puzzles. Whenever I saw the cardboard puzzle box, I would always cringe because we had so many missing pieces and bags of misc. pieces. NO MORE

We went through our wooden puzzles and Anna kept her favorites. The rest will go with me to work for kids to play with while I talk to their folks. The cardboard puzzles - except for a select few (saved for next week's Spring Break) - went into recycling! Yeah.

I guess I always thought "someday I will go through all the mismatched puzzles and they will once again be whole. Well, that day will never come and I have admitted that fact!

2 totes less in my storage room. I am giving a cheer (in my head of course :)


  1. Best decision of the day! I went through ours a while ago. There comes a time when we just have to let go.

  2. YEAH!!!! One tote at a time, right?
    Except that it keeps coming in as it's going out. . . :)
    LIke trying to get caught up on scrapbooking. . . if only could stop time too :)

  3. Don't just cheer in your head, Betsy -- give a rip roaring shout outloud! No worries about letting go of things that require more than we want to give! Hurray for you! Hugs!
