Sunday, June 17, 2012

A new face!

I have not only been an absent blogger, I haven't gotten my camera out nearly enough this summer. We had Vacation Bible School and Carolyn and Joel had Art Camp and I didn't get a single picture! They took approximately 1,000,000 at VBS, so I am hoping to download some of those. Father's Day weekend was lovely, starting with my Dad's family's reunion in Dubuque on Saturday. (hope to get pictures from my sister) On the drive home we had dinner at Texas Roadhouse as a treat for Ken. Today we had a BBQ with friends from my mother's group ("Faith and Friendship"). Even with my absent camera lately there was something that had to be captured today. This picture has been a long time coming, since it is the first top tooth lost by Joel! H His baby teeth have been in no rush to come out. The dentist said, "no worries", but Joel was happy for today to come! I need to get the kids to Target to get their yearly professional photograph and capture the moment!


  1. Every time u post a pic of Joel, I see Matthew. I guess I'll always be stuck in 2008.
    Sounds like you've been up to a lot of good things. Yes, bring your camera!!! :)

  2. I love the holey smile. It is good to see that your summer is off to a great start!

  3. I see it too, Maria! They look so much alike. What a great photo.
