Tuesday, November 3, 2015

College Trip with friends and family to sweeten the deal!

Ok - here was the first reason for our visit!

Great university, but to be honest it is too far from home and in too large of a city (if you ask me).

Super extra reasons to visit St. Louis

My niece Emily, a professor at Washington University (WashU).  We had dinner at a restaurant called Pi (imagine the symbol for 3.1415).

Great friends from Newburgh (who now live near St. Louis)

Here is my voice of reason and great support since even before Anna was born and ever since!  Nina!


  1. Yay! What a great trip! I can't believe you are college shopping already.

  2. Aw, great to see Nina and kids with you.

  3. It was so awesome to see all of you!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
