Wednesday, February 10, 2016

It's a small world after all.

Today I was at a meeting and ran into a lady that I thought looked very familiar.  (I thought she went to my church.)  She didn't, but when we were discussing it, she meant to ask "Where do you live in Ankeny?", but asked "Where do you live in Newburgh?"  So then I said "Newburgh Indiana?" and we went back and forth.

She just moved from Newburgh 18 months ago.  She said her kids went to Sharron and I said we were in the Castle neighborhood.  Then I mentioned my street, Briarcliff, and she said - "that's where we built our house in 2000".  (Her kids were grown, so they didn't go to Castle.)  When I looked up her address on Google maps (satellite view) she lived 4 doors down on the opposite side of the road!  Cool huh?

It is possible, she just looked familiar because we attend meetings together, but I am sure glad we started talking.