Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The day we headed North!

I had an errand to run for work in a little town called Nevada Iowa. It is near the fruit farm we like and Ames, home of Iowa State University, which is home of Reiman Gardens. Note - I think this day was voted "one of the best of the summer" and we didn't even go swimming :o) Berry picking isn't the best during a drought, but we got enough blackberries and blueberries to make a lovely fruit cobbler.
We asked the fruit farmer for a "unique" restaurant in Ames and he recommended Hickory Park. This place definitely had its own style and feel and we loved it.
More on Reiman Gardens later - it deserves a post of its own it was so great.


  1. Aw, this post and that restaurant picture remind me of traveling with my family to Cherry Valley when I was a girl. Fond memories!
