Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The redoing of the senior boards

 Joel is having a group party with 2 friends for graduation.  So in many ways I am at the mercy of the "group".  But this isn't about me, so it is fine.  It was decided that each boy should have 2 poster boards with photos.  (of of his friend's moms wanted MANY boards (and a video) and one mom wanted one board (and no video) 2 boards was their compromise...they will have to duke it out about the video...I don't care!!!)

Of course I had an Eagle Scout board, Cross Country board and Show Choir board.   So apart they came and here is the first of the 2 party boards (minus one "Spring Show" photo).  It wasn't too hard because I swished the show choir board pictures onto one section, removed about 2/3 of the cross country pictures and added baseball, soccer and basketball.  Scout pictures will go on the other board that has family, friends and church activities.  Its completion had to be paused as I need to print a handful of pictures and we are dog sitting this weekend.  (the board was on the floor this week as I worked on it)  It won't be too hard to finish.

Eventually it will have to be dismantled and the photos placed in his album...I haven't dismantled Carolyn's boards yet, so it may be awhile.

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