Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Break 2010

We had a nice Spring Break in Indiana. The weather was great and seeing "old" friends was fantastic. Luckily, it was such a joy to see everyone without sadness in leaving (because what would be the point in that???). Normally I am picture-crazy with the kids, but for this trip, I made a point to take a picture of MY buddies (once the camera was charged of course :)

Here we are, just the ladies. I haven't had a ladies night out in about a year, so this was great. It warmed my heart to see these old friends and catch up on their lives.

We were able to picnic in the park with my blogging-buddies. Since we have kept in touch via our blogs, it hadn't seemed like a year since I had seen these folks. Matthew was the photographer here, sorry I didn't take the time to crop the picture! I still have about 10 loads of laundry to put away.

Matthew told us that several kids in his class were going to Florida for Spring Break. Ken asked him, "where would you rather go, Florida or Indiana?" We were not surprised with the answer of Indiana and below are the 2 main reasons why.

Excuse the glare. By the time we found J., the car line was about to move, so I had to click fast! Matthew was able to spend Wednesday afternoon with his buddy.

Matthew could barely wait until Thursday to see D. Luckily they got to stuff eggs, hang out and then re-meet for pizza that night.

Egg stuffing.

The kids and I helped our Mother to Mother friends stuff Eggs for the Egg Hunt. The kids enjoyed being on this side of the hunt. We also got to hang out with many of our favorite people!

All the kids were a great help...even Anna! She really was! wasn't until the very end that she (and the other kids) got to thinking that they might want to sample the contents of an egg! Luckily by that time we were done and headed to the playground!

Pizza Chef
The gals....we started getting together with our families for food, fun and cards (the guys did most of the card playing) when our now 5th grade boys were heading into kindergarten...whew that was a long time ago.

The guys.....I can't tell you how nice it was to have had a group of friends where the entire family could gather and enjoy. Of course Ken made the mistake of saying, "you don't get that chemistry just anywhere"....which then he quickly modified, "but I am sure we will again really soon".

The kids..... I was going to impress you all (ok only MJ) and show a picture of the same group of kids many years ago....I know the pictures exists, but lets just put that on the list of things I need to organize. Anna is awake now and I have run out of time! I will just end with .... it was great to see everyone again!


  1. Great photos! It was great to see you Betsy!

  2. What a happy vacation in Indiana! I'm so glad we could see each other!
