Sunday, October 14, 2012

Girl scout night at the Science Center

Carolyn and I spent the night at the Children's Science Center of Iowa with about 70 other girls scouts/family members.  We didn't go with her troop, it was just us, which made it pretty special.  Here we are at the Mars exhibit.
Here is Carolyn in front of a life size Mars Rover replica (Spirit or Opportunity (they were twins) from 2004-2010, not Curiosity, the 2012 rover).  If you remember correctly our family has a thing for Mar's Rovers (previously we focused on Sojourner). (click on the underlined words for a blast from the past)
 Here is Carolyn, next to her own life size replica made of plastic sticks.
We even slept pretty well, despite sleeping on the floor.  It probably helped that bedtime wasn't until 11:15 (after the IMAX showing of the Mars movie...I will admit I caught a few winks a bit early)


  1. I think my boys would thing that was the coolest thing ever to sleep at a museum! Carolyn looks great in sticks.

  2. That's an awesome replica. Did you see the video about the rover landing that I posted. Pretty silly but fun. I love the lifesize sticks game. We have a hand size.
