Sunday, October 14, 2012

The great clothing swap strikes again

I don't think I am going to survive the great clothing swap of Fall 2012.

It is too much to decide for each of the piece of clothing owned by each of my children:

1.  Will they wear it next spring?
2.  Will it fit then?
3.  Do I like how it fits them?
4.  Do they like it?
5.  Is it still good enough to keep?
6.  Should it be passed on to a sibling?
7.  Should it be passed onto a friend?
8.  Does it go to the clothes give away at my friend's church?
9.  Is it a rag?
10.  Is it trash?

THEN there is the box of winter has a whole new set of questions, but you get the picture.

Really, no one needs to think this much about clothes.  (The baskets of clean clothes that needed to be put away probably didn't help my mood any.)

It was nice knowing you.


  1. Lol. I am with you. This season I think I am beyond saving things from one child to the next. They have different bodies and different shapes not to mention different tastes. I'm donating this year to the ECLC. Good cause. Less headache. :-)

  2. At first I saved everything for yard sales. Then just certain things ... as I went back to the certain things later I don't know why I kept them. Now I just have a few tshirts that I want to make into a quilt one day and I donate the rest. So much less stress. But we are doing that with only two ... you have a much bigger job!!!
