Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The best morning ever!

These beautiful ladies and their lovely daughters came over today and we had a freezer meal session.
This was seriously the best idea ever.

 #1 We had a great time.
 #2 We got to know each other a bit better. (esp. Allie and I because Jean knows us both a bit better than we knew each other.)
 #3 We have 3 fantastic meals filling our freezers.
 #4 We were able to make some meals for terrific ladies in our church community who need a helping hand.

Can you say win win win win? I hope we do it again soon.  (Next time I won't have to run away to volunteer at school - thanks to Jean and Allie for wrapping things up as I dashed off!)


  1. What an awesome idea. Wish we lived closer so we could get together and hang out like we used to.

  2. I want to know more about how you did this! What did you make and how did you logistically carry out the meals to fruition?

    And ditto to Maria's comment!

  3. Awe .. I love this idea. I wish we had made time to hang out when you were still here.
