Sunday, May 29, 2022

What did I do on my Covid exposure "vacation"

I didn't have to see patients on Tuesday, but I went into work anyway to finish up paper-work from Monday and from last week when I was mostly out of the office.  Anyway, Wednesday morning, my office-mate told me she had Covid.  Unfortunately we sat and talked about a patient for awhile.  ugh

So, I have been hanging out in my home office for about 5 days, staying away from my family.  Here is what I created when I realized that the graduation cards I made in 2020 (because you couldn't go shopping in April and May) had a slight typo  (I had made extra for 2021 and 2022).  

I find that if I am busy, I worry less.  Less worrying that I will miss Joel's graduation etc.

I am still asymptomatic and I can officially trust the test results when I test tomorrow per CDC guidelines.  (If you test too soon, it can likely be a false negative.)

Here are the cute cards.  I think they look cuter in person.

I also made a card like this (it already is sealed in an envelope) 

And I prepped this card (I don't know any kids going to Drake next  year, but a work colleague has a daughter who goes to Drake, so I am making one for her at least....


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