Wednesday, July 14, 2010

South Dakota - Saturday

Saturday was all about hiking and fishing then getting in out of the rain. Except for the rain, the weather was beautiful. (I say that because it was 95 degrees here today in Iowa and the weather was mild and comfortable during our entire trip to South Dakota. Maybe even a bit chilly the 2nd night....we put Anna and Carolyn in the RV w/ our friends and the boys and I shared our tent. Our friend's tent suffered a bit of water damage, so it was abandoned.)

Ok, I guess if I really think about it, we did have a bit of hail too. It wasn't bad at the camp site, but when we headed to Custer (City) for church, it looked like it had snowed on the side of the mountain and in part of the street. I still preferred the weather to 95 degree heat.

I know the next 2 pictures have "tiny" people, but how could I cut out the beautiful scenery? I think when I print 4X6, it will be fine. I would print the photos bigger, but have about 100 I want to put in albumn, so will have to show restraint.

FYI: I forgot to mention yesterday that we met my college roommate and her family at Sylvan Lake in Custer State Park. They are fun to be around and live in Rapid City.

When I was young, I would have been horrified by a fish dangling on a hook. Not so for my kids:


  1. Great Pics! Isn't Sylvan Lake fun and beautiful!? Come back again!

    Kristine Young
    Office of Tourism

  2. This looks like so much fun! How far is it from Indiana!?!

  3. Cool you got to meet an ol' friend, too!
