Thursday, August 18, 2022

August 13, Carolyn's moving day (part 2 - the part where she stays in Iowa City)


Patrick came to say goodbye and help get the van packed.

Anna, Ken and I drove with Carolyn to help set up the rest of her apartment.  On August 1st, she moved with the Uhaul, to share the truck with her roommate, but then came home to work for another 2 weeks.

Today she needed to be at the apartment to set up her internet, then the following week she has training for her internship.  Matthew joined us for lunch and a grocery run and then Carolyn went back to Matthew's apartment when we left.  (Her roommate stayed in Iowa City for a week, then had to return to the metro to cover the State Fair for Iowa Public TV (her internship)).  

Note the cute wall hangings that Carolyn and I found on our many shopping quests to outfit her apartment.  Even Matthew commented, "those are perfect for you", because Carolyn had a big flower pressing hobby during the pandemic.

Carolyn sent me this photo Sunday.  (Matthew picked Carolyn up for church, since he has a parking spot and she and R. have to share one.)

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