Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Where's the beef?

Remember those old Wendy's commercials with the elderly ladies are looking for a good hamburger? Well today I wandered my house saying, "where's the fish" because I realized this morning that the $12 box of tilapia I bought yesterday was NOT in my freezer.

I went through all kinds of scenarios in my head....it got left in the car, it got left at Walmart......then it hit me. I had the kids help me carry in the groceries and I had given Anna the bag with fish, because that was all that was in it, so it was light.

So, now saddened with my realization, I wandered my house looking for the fish, knowing we were throwing away $12 of good food today :(

Anna had left it just inside the door to the house (which is the laundry room), but it was camouflaged by a bag of notebooks that we had bought for school. RATS. Next time Anna doesn't need to help, unless we have bought a box of cereal....or tissues.

I am not getting too worked up about it, because I certainly can't blame her and don't want to kill myself over it...but for the first time in a long time we have an actual budget on paper, so I am trying to stick with it! RATS.....I was also going to fix fish for dinner tonight.


  1. At least you had to SEARCH for it- can you imagine the smell that a few more days would've created?!
