Friday, February 26, 2010

A cure for the winter blahs!

I have started to feel very blah! I just don't get as much done as I would like and my outlook is less cheery!

It is hard because the Des Moines area is at near record snowfall and much colder than usual. I went to my Faith and Friendship group and I certainly felt like many were of like mind -"spring, spring, we want spring"! Luckily we have been pretty healthy, but many of my friends have had sick kids for months on end - yuck!

I am trying to nip the blahs in the bud. Yesterday I hired my favorite sitters (ok ONLY sitters) and went for a walk around the block before getting to work. I tried to soak in a bit of Vitamin D and fresh air. I also have arranged with a friend (who was looking to make a bit of extra cash baby-sitting) to watch Anna for a few hours on Tuesday mornings. I am hoping to feel less behind on everything by getting a few hours of paid work done during the week!

My newest idea is to start planning my garden. The seeds pictured above were purchased today for $2 at Walgreens today. I need to grow about one large zucchini to re-coup my cost. Anna and I went to play at a friend's house today and did more garden planning. My friend K* and her family are going to garden with us this summer, which is fantastic. It will be fun to share our adventures in gardening with someone and K* really has a positive outlook on life which inspires me. K* has books on organic pest control and companion gardening so we had a great time discussing strategies to beat my squash bug enemy and the blight! (small pleasures are all I need in the winter - squash bug strategies, who knew that could make a gal smile?)

Feel free to share any other blues-beating ideas in the comment section!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea, Betsy. I fight the blahs this time of year too. For me, I fight the blues with scrapping - what a surprise. The Crop for the Cure is this time of year and Dolly L hosts another crop in April. I borrow scrap magazines from the library - read through and find new ideas and plan projects to work on the crops. By the time I get photos and supplies organized the crops have been and gone and spring is finally here!
