Friday, February 5, 2010

Quiet Time

Matthew gave up his nap pretty early and went on to have "Quiet time" until he went to Kindergarten. This never worked so well for Carolyn or Joel, since the other kids were around etc. Well, we are trying it again. Anna isn't wanting to nap, but I can hardly stand the thought of no break in the day, especially when Ken travels. Plus then she is crabby by 5 (and I probably am too).

The picture above is Anna playing Little People. It isn't really quiet time, because I use the baby monitor and when I finally didn't hear playing today, I knew she had left her room. Anyway, after a potty break, I tried laying her down. I don't hear anything now, so I better go check!

I am going to really give the Quiet Time idea a valient effort. Wish me luck.


  1. This is a good idea for both of you, Betsy. Stick with it! Remember it takes 21 days for a new "thing" to become a habit. I am pulling for you.

    And what a wonderful photo of Anna's beautiful face. Isn't that just precious!!!

  2. 21 days to become a habit?! I never had any luck with quiet time in my house, try as I did. I hope quiet time sticks!
