OK - I think I have established that the garden is my all time favorite summer destination! Lately, each time we go to the garden we come home w/ a bucket of veggies. I have even frozen some green beans and pea-pods for colder days!

Today while we were at the garden, we ran into Pastor Mike, who lives at the church, and who allows us to use the land and water, rent free! He said, "you know, we never use all three plots, so you are welcome to come back next year". What wonderful words to my ears. I already am thinking of how I am going to do things differently. For example - watermelon will not be planted! We have 2, maybe 3 vines and they have grown bigger than my kitchen. Plus really, how many watermelon could we possibly eat?
Our other garden neighbors are Jeanne and Roy. They live next to the garden and have grandkids who my kids like to play with when they are visiting. Jeanne is always friendly and often has juice for the kids. Today she walked over with a mound of onions! We didn't plant nearly enough and our are almost all gone and never big a beautiful like hers. Plus the onions that remain are being taken over by the watermelon! What a wonderful gift! I will not have to buy onions for all the salsa I am planning on making. It is great because I have been able to share my zucchini! (and maybe they would like a watermelon or 2 when the time comes :)
A true cooperative if there ever was one.