Friday, October 9, 2009

Fabulous Friday Photos - photographer

We hired my friend Susan Edgington to take family photos this fall. She did a great job. If you live in the Ankeny or Des Moines area and are looking for someone with the patience of a saint and an eye for color - look her up. - Echo Photography - 515-669-1537
FYI she released these photographs for me to post on my blog (all 99 photos!) I won't make you look through all of fact I am keeping out the family photo to keep you in suspense for your Christmas card!
Be prepared for more "fabulous photos" since I have so many I want to share......Susan also had a special session with Anna - sort of a late "2 year photo shoot" later in the week. Those need a post all of their own! Even though Anna didn't stop moving - Susan got some great photos that captured Anna as she really is!


  1. Thanks for posting those! I love to see your family grow! I love to see Mommy pictures- because we are usually behind the camera!

  2. these are beautiful! Can't wait to see the Christmas card.
