Thursday, January 28, 2010

Poor postal performance 2nd edition

On Friday night I put a rebate form in our mailbox to be picked up by our post-man the next day. It was VERY windy that night and our mail-box blew open and the envelope flew out. I realized this as I was leaving to sign Anna up for preschool. (silent pause, can you believe she is soooo big?) I asked Ken to have the kids help him search for this white envelope in the white giant piles of snow. Praise God he found the envelope and put it in our office. I came home and wanted it to dry and placed it on the VERY CLEAN kitchen counter. (I didn't want you to think I added it to a messy place because that would be a be irresponsible and I have already established that with the last post.) Anyway Ken took the kids to the library and I noticed the letter was gone. Thinking he took it to the post office, I worried not. When he came home I realized that he hadn't taken it and searched for the envelope. (actually this was the first envelope I was searching for, but the other story is more important and started first :)

I searched trash cans and where. I decided either I had dementia and moved it or Anna took it. (since the big kids and Ken hadn't). BTW, before I found this envelope, I realized the other envelope was missing, which was a bigger concern, so I REALLY searched. I did find this envelope - crumpled under Anna's backpack! (of course I would have preferred to find the other, but alas!)

So now my postal woes are over! One envelope found the other replaced and both sent to their rightful place.

1 comment:

  1. Those kinds of situations make me feel like I'm losing my mind. Glad you found yours. :-)
