Saturday, January 2, 2010

You know you have a husband one when.....

Today Ken and I have been married 17 years, together over 19 years. I often think I need to work on different areas of my life: health eating, neatness, budgeting etc. etc. I never think, "I need to improve my marriage." It is just great the way it is! Whew!

You know you have a good husband when he helps you design a quilt block for your virtual quilting bee. (ala...Hey Ken, can you draw a boat using only triangles and squares?...he could and now I have a great design). There are many other great things too, but I don't want to make y'all jealous :)

Here it is, roughed out in fabric.
(the quilter of the month wants something with a beach or tropical feel)


  1. Wow, that is impressive... Maybe you and Ken can start working together on the craft projects!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Ken's a keeper and a fine quilt block designer too.
