Anna doesn't really love to wear things in her hair and with all the curls, she was starting to look un-kept! Now she has cute bangs and an easier length to take care of in the back. The nice thing about curly hair is you don't need to be perfect, because the curl hides the exact length of each strand. This may be her last hair-do that involves curls, if her mother and sister are any indication. The main reason I let her hair grow so long, is because when I cut Carolyn's hair at age 2, I cut off all the curl and it has been straight ever since. Anna's hair still has a bit of curl, so I don't have to say good-bye to the "baby-hair" quite yet!
Anna is trying to match her disposition to her cute-look above. She is taking her first good nap in about a week and went down with NOOOOOO fussing. I think the cold air and rain may have helped. Last week we had 80 degree weather - today I had to turn on the heat!
I want to pinch those cheeks!