Thursday, August 6, 2020


Joel asked what was for dinners.  I told him the leftovers that I thought would be great (since Ken hasn't yet returned from South Dakota) or he could make something.  So he found a recipe for Steak Street Tacos.  They call for small tortillas, so he is making some of our big tortillas small and then frying the edges in the air fryer to eat with the salsa Carolyn made yesterday!  WIN WIN

Anna has her last night of summer cross country training tonight.  Next Monday Joel starts official school cross country, not sure when the 8th graders will start.  I advised Anna to continue running if they start later, to not give up her great gains over the summer!!  There will officially be a cross country season for the high school....we received a message from Joel's coach.  There will be no team dinners, no snacks/drinks supplied by parents at the meets and staggered starts.  Yeah for safety!!  Yeah for outdoor sports.  (Glad there are no team dinners.  I won't have to be the heavy if I had to tell Joel and Anna they couldn't go (to what is essentially a party the night before each meet...carb loading!)!!  Also sad there aren't team dinners.  The kids on the fence about Cross Country will miss out on the fun and team-manship (I made up that word, but you get it.)  Team dinners make all the training worthwhile.....but worth giving up for sure.  So proud of Joel who got up every day on vacation at 8 to go for a run!!  As he was told by his 8th grade XC coach....Champions are Made in the Summer.  (That was always the theme for their summer program...cancelled this summer due to the pandemic, although the girls added a program when they could.  Joel's coach said he didn't want to charge the boys for the shortened summer program and just sent the boys their workouts.  Joel completed these with his buddy Evan!  (buddies since 2nd grade boy scouts..although this photo might be from 8th grade at scout camp)

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