Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Second Grade Sing

The second grade students at Carolyn's school had their musical program today. Carolyn welcomed everyone to the big event. (This picture was "staged" at the end, since I couldn't get a good picture during her actual speaking part, because the 2nd graders were standing in a big circle to start their first song.)

Here is a quick video of Carolyn singing my favorite song of the night. (It is about gardening :) Note her ending gesture - the nail bite (she was a bit nervous).

Carolyn did a great job, as did the sibs....all were quiet and attentive - it might be a first!


  1. Awesome! Congratulations Carolyn! I just love children's programs - it's so fun to see them learn the songs and perform! Is this a progressive type song that adds more as the plant grows?

    By the way...nothing wrong with a staged photo!

  2. Videos now! I'm impressed!!!!!
