Friday, April 30, 2010

The evidence is there

So this morning is rainy and so we are probably going to be stuck inside. I decided to sew the baby quilt strips together that I have been working on. I was ironing upstairs and sewing downstairs to get a bit of exercise (and because my ironing board is attached to the wall in my laundry room and my sewing machine lives downstairs). Anyway, I ironed, sewed, ironed, sewed...then realized...I only have 7 rows, but 8 columns. Where is the missing row???? So I search a bit, but I knew that the quilt looked "whole" this am and so the missing row would have had to come off the bottom or top, or I would have noticed. WELL, luckily I have my blog and I took a "mid-project" photo. I decided, I would take a look and determine from where the missing row had gone.

HELLO - I only made 7 rows. Now that may seem trivial, but the silly thing is a bunch of squares, so the order of nature would only seem right if the end result is a square - agreed? Oh well, I think row 8 is for another day!

1 comment:

  1. At least you didn't find out that you had sewn two rows (or square together) as I have done. Or worse, found out after the top was finished that there was a square sewn in wrong side showing. Or discovered that you had quilted an entire quilt only to realize at the end that you left out the batting. (That last one wasn't me but it could have been.) feel better? :-)
