Thursday, March 26, 2009

At least I am trying - funny thoughts......

Ken and I discussed last night that our living space is like painting the Brooklyn Bridge, by the time you finish one end, you need to start at the beginning again. Yesterday I made a concerted effort to get cleaning done but you couldn't tell it by looking!

At JCPenny today I picked up my photos. I had my order confirmation sheet in my hand and was going to throw it away on the spot - to make Maria proud. (If you don't know Maria, you should, but re: this post she is very neat.) I actually put the paper in the trash can when the lady at Pennys said, "oh no, you need to keep this in case you are going to reorder or do Smiles by Wire". Ok - I knew I wasn't going to reorder and I already downloaded all my pictures to my computer off of Smiles by Wire. Still I took the stupid paper back and away I went. (I never want to be rude - I guess, but how crazy is that!)


  1. Oh, sigh! I totally understand. I am notorious for throwing away something only to learn I shouldn't have. Take, for example, the time I broke our glass carafe for the coffee pot. I immediately tossed it and its lid in the trash. We ordered a new carafe and when it arrived, we learned that the replacement did not include the lid. Who knew?

    My big housekeeping motto of late is "Put it AWAY, not back (where I found it)." It's making a difference in the aesthetics of my house.

  2. hahahahahahah i am telling you. you remember maria circa 2005 with only two kids!!!!! if only you saw my desk, my counter, my server, my dining room table, etc etc!!!!!!!
