Sunday, November 15, 2009

After being away - Love Hope and Trust Sunday returns

I love that tomorrow will be the day I post pictures of the two baby quilts I made! One still needs about 1/3 of the binding hand-sewn onto the back. I should be able to do that tonight after bedtime. I would have finished it last night but I had a special request from our niece, the bride to be, for a couple of pictures of her with Anna (the flower-girl-to-be) and Carolyn (the Jr.-bridemaid-to-be). Here is one I found.

I think this picture looks just like Anna, but it is from 2003, when Nicci came to help us with our 2 small children while we moved into our home in Newburgh. I laugh when I remember myself, thinking that I couldn't get moved in without help and 2 whole children to care for! Of course during our latest move we had 2 sets of grandparents come to help maybe I was right back then, I can't do it alone!
I hope to finish my storage room this week. I did take a few days off, but I had already surpased my original goal of 20 boxes. A few boxes (ok - maybe 10) remain, but there is huge floor space available in the storage room. I am especially excited by all the things that are no longer in my house! I have plans for more to vacate the premises shortly.
I trust that God will help me and my kiddos as we are alone more frequently with Ken's new territory including all his old territory AND KC, St. Louis and a small part of southern Indiana. (Say a prayer for peace for me! I am a big believer in prayer getting us through!) Pray for Ken too as he faces his new work challenges.


  1. I'm thinking of you Betsy and I will say a prayer for you every day.

    I am so happy for you that you surpassed your goal! That is just wonderful - especially this time of year!

    Hugs to you.

  2. Seeing Carolyn so little and your NB kitchen there in the background makes me feel so sad

    From Your Depressing Friend Who LIves in the Past

  3. I LOVE the anticipation of your next two quilts being revealed.

    I HOPE you realize what a good example of setting goals and working toward them. I'm excited that you are almost finished!

    I TRUST that God will give you exactly what He thinks you need as you transition and acclimate to Ken's new responsibilities.
