Saturday, November 7, 2009

Bargin of the season

In case you don't know - I like to have Christmas shopping done early. Not crazy early, but I starting thinking about it now in hopes to not have to shop in December. Anyway Matthew wants MindFlex, which is a game that somehow uses your mind to move a ball to a target. I checked online to compare prices and found the best deal of the season. has a friends and family deal right now (Promo code MATTEL30, case sensitive). This gives you 30% off anything at and shipping was just $5, no sales tax. This made Matthew's game very reasonable and it was the best price in town, esp. since it is mostly out of stock everywhere else anyway!

Happy Christmas Shopping Dance for me. (BTW - he is chipping in some of his Christmas money from last year (from his Grandparents), since his game is still a bit pricey!) Yes - I know he won't be surprised about this gift, but I have another idea that will surprise him and when you have an eleven-year-old boy, you know that the "sure-thing" gift beats a surprise!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! I'm thinking about it now too but that's about as far as my shopping has gone. In my head. Nothing further.
