Thursday, November 26, 2009


We are most Thankful for our wonderful family. (I am especially thankful for the husband who spent the last week helping me slave over the house to get it ready for our visitors.....this included painting our little bathroom (his idea)- what a guy!)

I was very thankful that Grandma and Grandpa (Anna calls them both Bapa) came a day early to watch Anna while I had a tooth capped. Although I am not glad to need tooth repair, I was very happy that Anna was safe with Grandma and Grandpa, that I have good dental insurance and a very good dentist and dental assistant. We LOVE when the Bapas come for a visit! Wish they could stay longer, but my older brother is coming to their town on Saturday to help my Dad celebrate his birthday on Monday.

My brother and sister-in-law and their 3 children joined us for Thankgiving dinner. My sis-in-law, my mom and I had a great time fixing food in the kitchen, just chatting the day away while we prepped!
Here is the kid's table. I know my children are happy to have cousins close in age! They were excited to get to go swimming at the hotel tonight. (Anna and I stayed home, since she skipped her nap and she was barely able to walk by the end of the evening, half asleep.)
Anna was happy to go outside and play with her big-girl cousin! Sure wish she lived in town - I would help finance another pair of her Ugg boots.