Thursday, December 10, 2020

9 years of trees

I calculated that in 2011, Matthew painted the picture on the top in 7th grade.  I know he took art in the fall because he gave me the painting as a Christmas gift.  2014 (or 15) Carolyn made the night time trees (2nd from the top...ignore my pink shirt's reflection).  2016 (I know because it is dated), Joel added to the group and in January 2020, Anna took art!!

Approximately 9 years after the first trees were received (today), I bought frames and will ask Ken to hang them on the wall!  If you aren't impressed that I kept 4 pieces of the same art from my 4 children, then  you don't know me very well.  This was a big feat.  These were definitely some of the best art projects done by my children.  When Matthew had art in 7th grade, I thought that his days of art were numbered, so I should keep these trees.  Funny enough though, his art days weren't numbered!  He is my one kiddo (to date) who took art in high school.  If you know Matthew that should be a surprise because he is such a math and science guy.  That said, his art was awesome and he loved it!!  Anyway, I think that is why I kept this art even though I was in the midst of all art all the time in those days.  Now the art projects very few and far between!  Now I will treasure these works for a LONG LONG time on the wall!  My photograph doesn't do them justice, they are gorgeous (yes biased mom).



  1. I am impressed not only with you keeping up with all four paintings but I am also impressed with your children's artistic abilities!

  2. Love these.. the paintings and the frames you chose :)
