Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Year's Resolution

 I am not big on resolutions or specific goals as I often flop on them after awhile.

However, I am trying to deep clean the house and so I am going to get rid of 2021 things in 2021.  (This can include throwing out something, but not just trash (example: torn gloves)).

I figure if I get rid of 15 things on  each of 135 days this next year I will make my goal.  But the good news is goal or no goal, my house will be cleaner!

I started a bit early with 35 items today.  Mostly kid's clothes and outdoor clothing.  I am sorting through all our hats and gloves and I will admit that my strategy in the past has been to bag up all of the hats and gloves at the end of the season.....bad strategy.  Oh well.....last week I ordered a shoe bag to keep everything in order and today was the day that I put it into action. Hats, gloves, scarves and 2 umbrellas for good measure!  I LOVE THIS.  All of the gloves are with their mate!

I think that gloves are worse than socks when it comes to missing mates.  On the right side of the photo you see right handed gloves without a match and on the left side of the photo the left handed gloves (again no match).  How did we end up with 3 identical right handed blue gloves without one matching leftie?  sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Now I know why sometimes you wear mismatched gloves when we walk :)
