Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Blizzard update

We were hit hard. Here is a picture out my front door. I could only open the door a little! Yes, that is snow up to my mailbox (aided by the snow plow).

We have a covered porch, but the drifting snow was BAD! There were bare parts of our lawn on both sides of the house. All that snow drifted into our driveway. It was 3 feet in some places. Once all the snow was shoveled, the pile of snow was taller than Carolyn, who I hit in the face with my shovel (so sorry baby!) .

Here is our sweet neighbor who helped me with his snow blower (this picture was taken after....didn't really feel right leaving him in the cold to go get my camera...the kids helped me make him zucchini bread and pumpkin muffins in thanks). I still worked at the snow for about 2 to 3 hours.....not complaining, just want y'all to think I am very tough! (Not so tough that the snow-blower will stay at the store this weekend...nope - Santa's coming early folks - so I hope you like dark pictures, cause the camera is a much lower priority.) If Ken is going to travel, I will have to have a snow blower. I can't expect my nice neighbor to save me every snow storm! (another neighbor also offered to help - of course I know he is having arm surgery NEXT week, so I politely declined....but wasn't that nice of him??)


  1. Talked to Dave Ramsey and he told me that you have his blessing to get a new snowblower AND a new camera. :)

    Can't say I'm jealous! Jen's mom is here and planned to drive back home today but her dad told her to stay put....that she wouldn't be able to get home anyhow right now.

  2. PS
    So what is the school situation? i know you all are tough out there for days off...

  3. Geez! I have only been in one blizzard and those were apartment dwelling days. I'm grateful Santa is taking care of you.

    PS. You can learn how to edit your pictures and make them lighter. Then you won't have to apologize for your photos until Santa brings you another lovely gift.
